Archive for the ‘Electronics’ Category
SAC CW 2015
So was this years SAC CW Contest over! I had serious competing plans running SO2R and be at the top [&hellip
Preparing for SAC 2015
This weekend I started preparing for SAC (Scandinavian Activity Contest) that will take place next weekend (CW) and the SSB [&hellip
Potentiometer solution for the Prosistel / Bigboy rotators!
The blog has not been updated since last year and I figured it's time to start again! Summer is always [&hellip
RXADS progress #3
Was quite some time since i posted anything to the blog. Life's been busy. We're just in the process of [&hellip
RXADS progress #2
Last week my RX antenna switching cards finally came in the mail from the PCB maker. Had to solder them [&hellip
WARC band switch box
This weekend I built the WARC band switch box for the antenna switching system at the station. This was the [&hellip
RXADS progress #1
Last week I started building the new RX Antenna Distribution System. I don't own a good accurate inductance meter so [&hellip
RX Antenna Distribution System
During last year I have been thinking alot about how to distribute RX antennas to different operating positions at the [&hellip