This summer I bought a new miniVNA PRO for making various antenna measurements. I already had the old original miniVNA [&hellip
Archive for October, 2013
Worksunday 2013-10-27
Last sunday I made a couple of hours of work at the station. In between I made som Q´s in [&hellip
Workday Saturday 19 of October
Today myseld and Dag SMØKDG made some work at the station. We brought the 3 el 80m yagi down from [&hellip
Station switching system design
My friend Mike SJ2W and me started discussing tiopics on station automation and integration over ten years ago, and Mike [&hellip
Smoketest – new antenna switching system…
I've spent quite alot of time building a new antenna switching system over the last year which will be controlled [&hellip
2×1 Switchbox
Last week I completed another switchbox for the large antenna switching array that I am building at the contest station. [&hellip
Hello world!
After some time not blogging about Radio it’s time again.. So stay tuned for more =) 73 de Teemu SMØ