Old Hy-Gain “scrap” gets new life!
Last summer we organized all aluminum scrap at the station. I found several Hy-gain antennas in really bad shape. Still I did not want to get rid of the stuff rather reuse them for some project. Last fall I was reading some stuff in the ARRL Antennabook and found remodeled versions of popular Hy-gain monobanders for 20, 15 and 10m. So I started thinking and got the idea to build 5 element monobanders with high performance on 12m and 17m. So I remodeled the ARRL versions yet again, firstly re-scaling the ARRL design down to 17m and 12m, then making additional tweaking to get just the right performance. I knew I had a big bunch of Hy-gain 2" booms, and lots of element parts and clamps so I could design pretty freely.
Last fall I took the bull at it's horns and took all rusty and corroded parts into pieces with the angle grinder and gave them a good cleaning, and assembeled the new elements and clamps with new hardware. Last sunday myself with the help of Thomas SM0CXU assembled the 5 element 12m yagi. Boomlength is nearly 7m. Now I will have to prepare the feed details for the beta match and then get it up the tower after final tuning.
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